Health Matters

Reigniting Your Fitness Fire for Fall

Reigniting Your Fitness Fire for Fall

Introduction: Apologies for being MIA last week. As the kids went back to school and my wife and I got back into our work routines, it was a big adjustment trying to get back into a schedule after over 6 weeks off. The lazy days of summer are well and truly over and...

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September Fitness for Dads

September Fitness for Dads

Introduction: Hey dads! September has arrived, and it's the perfect opportunity to refocus on our fitness goals. With the kids back in school and our schedules getting busier, it can be challenging to make health a priority. However, remember that taking care of...

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Dad’s Secret Weapon: The Benefits of Tracking Your Sleep

Dad’s Secret Weapon: The Benefits of Tracking Your Sleep

Are you a busy dad who struggles with getting enough sleep? Do you find yourself waking up groggy and tired, with no energy for the day ahead? If so, you might benefit from using a sleep tracker. Sleep trackers can help you monitor your sleep patterns, identify areas...

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The Importance of Dads Improving Their Sleep Quality

The Importance of Dads Improving Their Sleep Quality

Getting a good night's sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being. However, dads at an age may experience sleep disturbances due to a variety of factors such as work stress, family responsibilities, and age-related changes in sleep patterns. In this post,...

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Why Dads Should Monitor Their Health and Get Health Checks

Why Dads Should Monitor Their Health and Get Health Checks

Why are regular health check-ups important? What health issues are dads in their midlife at risk for? What resources are available for dads who want to improve their health and well-being? As a dad myself, I know how important it is to take care of our health as we...

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How weight loss unlocked my self improvement mindset

How weight loss unlocked my self improvement mindset

Weight loss unlocked my self improvement mindset They say the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement. So read on to find out what I did to lose 51lbs and keep it off. You will also find my top three tips for starting your self-improvement journey off on...

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7 tips for a healthier holiday season.

7 tips for a healthier holiday season.

Trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle over the holidays can come as a real setback if you don’t have the right mindset going into the holidays. When you have a diet mentality it is almost impossible to “watch what you eat” with so many Christmas feasts and treats to...

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