Reigniting Your Fitness Fire for Fall
Written by: Lombe Mwansa
Published: 18 September 2023


Fitness journeys are not linear, there will be ups and downs so the most important key maintaining the motivation is to keep making minor improvements especially after setbacks.


Apologies for being MIA last week. As the kids went back to school and my wife and I got back into our work routines, it was a big adjustment trying to get back into a schedule after over 6 weeks off. The lazy days of summer are well and truly over and it’s time to get back on track with our fitness routines.

It can seem daunting trying to get back into shape when your fitness level feels like it’s fallen off a cliff. The key is not to try to make up for lost time with unsustainable, rapid changes. Rather than crash diets and intense training that will burn you out fast, make steady progress with small adjustments for the long haul.

In this post, I’m sharing realistic fitness goals to work towards at this time of year. Summer is the season for relaxing, but autumn is the time to get back in the game. Let’s start mapping out a sustainable approach, so we can feel healthy, strong, and rejuvenated as the weather cools down.


Please note that I am not a fitness professional, I’m just a dad sharing what I am trying out and how its working out for me. Before you jump into any new fitness or nutrition protocol, I high recommend you consult with a healthcare provider or fitness expert, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or concerns.

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At the start of the month I wanted to focus on getting back into shape and my pre summer healthy habits, because I know many dads out there are in the same boat I am. It’s so easy after a summer of fun and relaxation to feel discouraged that your fitness levels or healthy habits have slipped but I have to remind myself that getting healthier is a marathon, not a sprint!

Extreme changes may show quick results on the scale or in the mirror but often they are not sustainable long-term. As we get into autumn, I am focusing on slow and steady additions of movement and nutrition. Going on more walks as a family, adding an extra serving of veggies at dinner, and playing sports at the weekend where I can – these small steps done consistently over time will pay off much more than extreme exercise and diet shifts.

Getting back into healthier routines is challenging but be patient with yourself! Progress isn’t linear. Some weeks you may feel like you’re back on track, while others you may struggle so its important that you keep focused on those small, sustainable changes and you’ll get back to where you want to be.

The most important thing I have done is resolved to is not giving up when I have an off week.

Fitness Benchmarks

I recently came across some fitness benchmarks recommended by Dr. Audrey Huberman for people in their 40s:

  • Bodyweight squats: Aim for 15-20 reps
  • Wall sit: Hold for 45-60 seconds
  • Press ups: Aim for 10-15 reps
  • Dead hang: Hold for 45-60 seconds

Progress tracker

These are great strength and mobility goals to work towards through fall and winter. Here’s a table you can use to track your progress:

ExerciseReps/TimeDate 1Date 2Date 3
Wall sit
Press ups
Dead hang

I’m going to start by trying to hold a 30 second wall sit! Let me know in the comments – what fitness benchmark are you going to start working on this fall? Looking forward to hearing your goals and progress updates.

Health Benefits

Here are some potential benefits to add with useful links:

Getting back into a fitness routine this fall provides many great benefits for your physical and mental health:

Getting moving with small, manageable changes will make this fall your healthiest and happiest season yet!


The leaves are starting to change and there’s a chill in the air – fall is the perfect time to get back into your fitness groove. By taking small steps like regular family walks, adding strength training to your routine, and tracking your progress, you can ditch the summer slump and slowly but surely get back on track.

Don’t beat yourself up or try to overhaul your lifestyle overnight. Consistency is key when reigniting your fitness fire. Focus on sustainable changes that boost your health and make you feel good.

Now it’s your turn – what’s one small step you can take today to get the ball rolling? Share your fitness goals below and let’s motivate each other to make this autumn active and strong! The season of gains is here – let’s crush it together!

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