Welcome to this community of self-developing dads.


Be part of this space of knowledge for all dads around the world.


Here we share our knowledge on how to combine personal development with the hectic life of fatherhood.


In a way it actually creates real life results.

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Featured Posts

Shaping Your Child’s Social Circle

Shaping Your Child’s Social Circle

Introduction: Ever thought about why your child suddenly started using slang? Or why they're suddenly interested in a hobby you've never heard of? Chances are, it's because of their friends. As dads, we can underestimate the power of our children's social circles but...

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Celebrating Pancake Day with Joy and Flavour

Celebrating Pancake Day with Joy and Flavour

A Brief Reflection on Tradition: Pancake Day, historically known as Shrove Tuesday, remains a delightful prelude to the Lenten season. Stemming from the Christian tradition of using up rich ingredients before the fasting period, pancakes have become synonymous with...

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Productivity Matters

Health Matters

Money Matters

Who Are We

We are two European dads with a shared passion. 

Lombe has 2 daughters, (13 and 10 years old) and is living in the UK with his wife. Remko is living in the Netherlands with his wife and two kids, a boy of 7 and a daughter of 12.

Our mission is to empower as much dads as possible into the world of personal development

We believe that through this, a dad can improve his real-life sense of happiness and optimize his time. To gain back more freedom for what matters most in a dad’s life; his family’s well-being, personal physical & mental health, stable finances and personal growth.

We will share with you our gained knowledge by sharing our personal journey. Combined we have 24 years of experience counting in fatherhood and investing time in personal development.

We hope to bring you that spark and give you that head start into action so you can make that next step into growth, for yourself and your family. 

Being a dad means we are also men so we will keep things short to save you time. We will give you practical takeaways on theories you have heard before, but are maybe wondering if and how you could incorporate them in your busy life as a dad.

All the best, 

Lombe & Remko

Use What I Use...

Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.

-James B. Conant- (1893 – 1978)