Money Matters

5 Practical Tips for Taking Control of Your Family Budget

5 Practical Tips for Taking Control of Your Family Budget

In our previous post, we discussed how to create a budget for your family. Now that you have a budget in place, it’s time to make sure you stick to it. In this post, we will provide you with five practical tips for sticking to your budget and achieving your financial...

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How to Create Family Budgets: A 5 Step Guide for Dads

How to Create Family Budgets: A 5 Step Guide for Dads

Managing finances as a dad can be tough, but creating budgets is a critical step for achieving financial goals. With a step-by-step guide, you can take control of your finances and provide for your family's needs without sacrificing your own. Learn how to create a...

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3 Tips for Living Well Beneath Your Means

3 Tips for Living Well Beneath Your Means

Living Well Beneath Your Means Is living beneath your means hard? Can you live simply and still enjoy life? Read on to find out how can live a frugal life without feeling like you are missing out on the good life. Contrary to popular belief, I think the key to...

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How to stop fighting over finances

How to stop fighting over finances

Financial disputes at home a common thing nowadays Arguing about money? Struggling with the cost of living? Are your finances fueling your happiness or sabotaging it? Read on to find out you can bring more harmony to your home and reduce fighting over your finances...

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A financial dad’s view on managing personal finance.

A financial dad’s view on managing personal finance.

Managing personal finance What would you do with a million dollars? We all dream about it. But what is it exactly that we seek when we fantasize about having an unlimited supply of money? Our deepest human needs are to belong and to achieve happiness. Fantasizing...

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