Why Dads Should Monitor Their Health and Get Health Checks
Written by: Lombe Mwansa
Published: 27 February 2023


By taking control of their health, dads can live longer, healthier lives.

Why are regular health check-ups important? What health issues are dads in their midlife at risk for? What resources are available for dads who want to improve their health and well-being?

As a dad myself, I know how important it is to take care of our health as we age. While we may feel invincible in our youth, the truth is that as we reach midlife, our bodies can start to experience wear and tear that can lead to health problems if left unchecked. I think it’s crucial for us dads to get take control of our health and get checked regularly. This should include blood tests and monitoring our blood pressure.

First and foremost, regular health check-ups can help catch health problems early, before they become more serious. Many health issues can be asymptomatic or have mild symptoms in their early stages, but as they progress, they can become more difficult to treat. By getting regular blood tests, we can detect changes in our cholesterol, blood sugar, and other key health markers that may indicate the early stages of health issues like heart disease, diabetes, or liver problems.

Why Monitor Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure is a silent killer that can lead to serious health complications such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. According to the European Society of Cardiology, cardiovascular disease (which includes heart disease and stroke) is responsible for 3.9 million deaths in Europe every year. The good news is that monitoring your blood pressure is simple and can be done at home or at your doctor’s office.

Regular monitoring of your blood pressure can help you identify if your levels are too high, which can lead to early intervention and lifestyle changes. This could include increasing your physical activity, eating a healthy diet, and quitting smoking. These lifestyle changes can help reduce your blood pressure and improve your overall health.

blood pressure

Why Get Regular Blood Checks?

Getting regular blood checks can help identify underlying health issues that may not be apparent. For example, high cholesterol levels can increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health complications.

blood samples

By getting regular blood checks, you can identify and address these issues before they become a serious health problem.

Here’s a comparison table that shows some of the most common blood tests and their recommended frequency:

Blood TestRecommended Frequency
CholesterolEvery 5 years
Blood PressureAt least once a year
Blood Sugar (Glucose)Every 3 years
Complete Blood Count (CBC)Every 3 years
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)Every 5 years

As you can see, it’s recommended to get a cholesterol test every five years, blood pressure checked at least once a year, blood sugar (glucose) checked every three years, and a complete blood count (CBC) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) checked every five years.

Statistics you should consider

Here are some statistics that highlight the importance of monitoring your blood pressure and getting regular blood checks:

  • According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in Europe, accounting for 45% of all deaths.
  • In 2019, heart disease was the leading cause of death for men in Europe, accounting for 4.1 million deaths.
  • According to the International Diabetes Federation, over 59 million adults in Europe have diabetes, and this number is expected to rise to 68 million by 2045.

Useful websites

Here are some websites offering you a wealth of information and resources. The are ideal for any dads looking to improve their health and well-being. Whether you’re looking for advice on managing stress, staying active, or preventing disease, these websites are great resources.

World Health OrganizationThe World Health Organization is a global organization dedicated to improving public health worldwide. Their website offers a range of resources on men’s health issues, including information on midlife health, disease prevention, and healthy living.https://www.who.int/health-topics/men-s-health
Men’s Health ForumThe Men’s Health Forum is a UK-based organization dedicated to improving men’s health and well-being. Their website offers a range of resources on men’s health issues, including information on midlife health, disease prevention, and healthy living.https://www.menshealthforum.org.uk/midlife
Men’s Health NetworkMen’s Health Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving men’s health and well-being in the US and worldwide. Their website offers a range of resources on men’s health issues, including information on midlife health, disease prevention, and healthy living.https://www.menshealthnetwork.org/health-information/midlife
Healthy MaleHealthy Male is an Australian organization dedicated to improving men’s health and well-being. Their website offers a range of resources on men’s health issues, including information on midlife health, disease prevention, and healthy living.https://healthymale.org.au/mens-health/midlife/
Midlife MaleMidlife Male is a global organization dedicated to helping men navigate the challenges and opportunities of midlife. Their website offers a range of resources on midlife health, including information on physical health, mental health, and healthy aging.https://midlifemale.com/health/


Of course, it’s important to note that regular health check-ups aren’t just for midlife dads – they’re important for everyone, regardless of gender or age. But as dads, we have a responsibility to take care of ourselves so we can be there for our families for years to come. By getting regular blood tests and blood pressure monitoring, we can catch health problems early and take steps to maintain our health, both for ourselves and for our loved ones.

Don’t wait to schedule your next health check-up, your health is too important to ignore. Book your check up today and continue taking care of yourself, so you can continue to be the awesome dad your family deserves.

Please share this post with other dads and men out there. Let us know in the comments what steps you are taking today towards better health.

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