Dad’s Secret Weapon: The Benefits of Tracking Your Sleep
Written by: Lombe Mwansa
Published: 13 March 2023


By prioritising your sleep and making adjustments as needed, you can become a better dad and enhance your overall well-being.

Are you a busy dad who struggles with getting enough sleep? Do you find yourself waking up groggy and tired, with no energy for the day ahead? If so, you might benefit from using a sleep tracker. Sleep trackers can help you monitor your sleep patterns, identify areas for improvement, and make adjustments to your sleep habits. In this post, you will find 4 benefits of tracking your sleep and a comparison of three types of sleep trackers to help you get started on your journey to better sleep.

people hands with smartwatch for sleep

Benefits of tracking your sleep

Tracking your sleep might sound like just another item to add to your to-do list, but the benefits are well worth the effort. Here are just a few reasons why us dads (and everyone else) should think about keeping track of their sleep patterns and habits:

  1. Improved overall health

Getting enough sleep isn’t just important for feeling rested and alert during the day – it’s also crucial for maintaining good health. Studies have shown that getting adequate sleep can reduce your risk of chronic conditions like diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

  1. Better mood and cognitive function

Lack of sleep can wreak havoc on your mood, leaving you feeling irritable, anxious, or depressed. It can also impair your ability to think clearly and make good decisions. By tracking your sleep and making adjustments as needed, you can improve both your mental and emotional well-being.

  1. Increased productivity

If you’re constantly feeling tired and sluggish, you’re not going to be as productive at work or at home. By prioritizing your sleep and using tracking tools to optimize your habits, you can get more done in less time – and with better results.

  1. Enhanced athletic performance

Whether you’re hitting the gym or playing with your kids in the backyard, getting enough sleep is key to performing at your best. Sleep helps repair muscle tissue, improve reaction time, and boost endurance – all of which can help you stay active and engaged with your family.

So how can you start tracking your sleep? There are a variety of tools and techniques available, from wearable devices to smartphone apps to old-fashioned pen and paper. Experiment with different methods until you find one that works best for you, and then commit to using it consistently.

Of course, tracking your sleep is just the first step – the real key is making the necessary changes to improve your habits and get the rest you need. But with dedication and persistence, you can reap the many benefits of a good night’s sleep – and be the best dad you can be.

Three types of trackers


Smartwatches are a popular choice for sleep tracking because they’re convenient and versatile. Most modern smartwatches have built-in sleep tracking features that can monitor your sleep duration, sleep stages, and sleep quality. Some smartwatches even have additional features like heart rate monitoring, which can provide valuable insights into your overall health and fitness.


  • Convenient and easy to use
  • Versatile: can be used for other purposes like fitness tracking and notifications
  • Some models have additional health tracking features like heart rate monitoring


  • Battery life can be limited
  • Some models can be expensive
  • Accuracy can vary depending on the model

Smart Rings

Smart rings are a newer type of sleep tracker that are gaining popularity among tech-savvy dads. These small, lightweight rings are worn on the finger and use sensors to track your sleep patterns. They’re designed to be comfortable enough to wear all night, and some models even have additional features like activity tracking.


  • Lightweight and comfortable to wear
  • Can provide detailed insights into sleep quality and patterns
  • Some models have additional features like activity tracking


  • Limited options and availability compared to smartwatches and smartphones
  • Can be expensive
  • Some models may not be as accurate as other types of sleep trackers


While not specifically designed for sleep tracking, smartphones can be a useful tool for monitoring your sleep habits. There are several sleep tracking apps available for smartphones that use the phone’s accelerometer and microphone to track your movements and sounds during the night. Some apps even have additional features like white noise and alarm functions.


  • Convenient: most people already have a smartphone
  • Low cost: many sleep tracking apps are free or low-cost
  • Some apps have additional features like white noise and alarm functions


  • Accuracy can vary depending on the app and phone model
  • Can be cumbersome to use: you need to keep your phone near you while you sleep
  • May not provide as much detailed information as other types of sleep trackers

Comparison Table of health trackers:

Tracker TypeProsCons
SmartwatchConvenient and easy to use, versatile, some models have additional health tracking featuresBattery life can be limited, some models can be expensive, accuracy can vary depending on the model
Smart RingLightweight and comfortable to wear, can provide detailed insights into sleep quality and patterns, some models have additional features like activity trackingLimited options and availability compared to smartwatches and smartphones, can be expensive, some models may not be as accurate as other types of sleep trackers
SmartphoneConvenient, low cost, some apps have additional features like white noise and alarm functionsAccuracy can vary depending on the app and phone model, can be cumbersome to use, may not provide as much detailed information as other types of sleep trackers

Each type of sleep tracker has its pros and cons, and the best option for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Smartwatches are a versatile choice with additional health tracking features, while smart rings are lightweight and comfortable to wear. Smartphones can be a convenient and low-cost option, but may not provide as much detailed information

Comparison table of the Apple Watch 6, Fitbit, and Huawei Band 6 Pro for sleep tracking:

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TrackerApple Watch 6FitbitHuawei Band 6 Pro
Sleep tracking featuresSleep tracking, sleep stages, heart rate monitoring, noise level monitoringSleep tracking, sleep stages, heart rate monitoringSleep tracking, sleep stages, heart rate monitoring
Battery lifeUp to 18 hoursUp to 7 daysUp to 14 days
Cost (USD)Starting at $399Starting at $129.95Starting at $99.99

Apple Watch 6:

The Apple Watch 6 is a high-end smartwatch that offers advanced sleep tracking features. It uses a combination of sensors, including an accelerometer and gyroscope, to track your movements during the night and measure your sleep stages. The watch also has a heart rate monitor and noise level monitoring to provide additional insights into your sleep quality. However, the battery life of the Apple Watch 6 is limited to up to 18 hours, which means you’ll need to charge it daily.


Fitbit is a well-known brand in the fitness tracking industry, and their devices are popular for sleep tracking. The Fitbit can track your sleep duration, sleep stages, and heart rate, providing insights into your overall sleep quality. The battery life of the Fitbit is much longer than the Apple Watch 6, with up to 7 days of use on a single charge. However, the sleep tracking features on the Fitbit are not as advanced as those on the Apple Watch 6.

Huawei Band 6 Pro:

The Huawei Band 6 Pro is a budget-friendly fitness tracker that offers sleep tracking features. It can track your sleep duration, sleep stages, and heart rate, providing basic insights into your sleep quality. The battery life of the Huawei Band 6 Pro is impressive, with up to 14 days of use on a single charge. However, the sleep tracking features on the Huawei Band 6 Pro are not as advanced as those on the Apple Watch 6 or Fitbit.

In terms of cost, the Apple Watch 6 is the most expensive option, with prices starting at $399 USD, £379 GBP, and €429 Euros. The Fitbit is a mid-range option, with prices starting at $129.95 USD, £89.99 GBP, and €99.95 Euros. The Huawei Band 6 Pro is the most affordable option, with prices starting at $99.99 USD, £59.99 GBP, and €79.99 Euros.

In conclusion, each tracker has its pros and cons, and the best option for you will depend on your individual needs and budget. The Apple Watch 6 offers the most advanced sleep tracking features but comes at a high cost and has limited battery life. The Fitbit is a popular mid-range option with good sleep tracking features and longer battery life. The Huawei Band 6 Pro is the most affordable option with basic sleep tracking features and an impressive battery life.

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Let us know in the comments what steps you are taking today to optimise your sleep for better health.

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